Page layout

A page in Marugoto, the engine Lives in Transit is based on, is constructed based on 12 evenly spaced vertical columns. The size and position of every text, image, exercise etc. is set using these. Marugoto fills a page from top-left to bottom-right, similar to how you read English.

The module-files of a Lives in Transit-page (textComponent, imageComponent, textExercise, etc.) are all placed using three variables:

  • numberOfColumns (sets the width of a module)
  • offsetColumns (sets the space on the left side of a module)
  • renderOrder (the order in which Marugoto loads each mdoule)

If you for example want to place a big textComponent in the middle of the page as the very first thing, you would use the following JSON code:

  "id": null,
  "numberOfColumns": 10,
  "offsetColumns": 1,
  "renderOrder": 1,
  "showInNotebook": false,
  "showInNotebookAt": null,
  "page": null,
  "markdownContent": "Lorem ipsum..."

To have the module placed as the first thing on the page you assign the renderOrder the value 1. If you want to have something centered on the page you'll have to do some basic math. In this case, to have the text with the width of 10 centered, you have to substract the width from 12 and divide this result by two to get the offsetColumns. In this case: 12 - 10 = 2 2/2 = 1.

It is only possible to assign a positive integer below 12 as values, so for example 3, 6 or 10, but not 1.5, -3, etc.

If you want to place two modules next to each other, you'll have to make sure they fit in the 12 columns. For example, if you want to place a textComponent on the right side of a imageComponent and both be the same width, you assign both modules the numberOfColumns 5 with an offsetColumns value of 1. To place the textComponent on the right side of the imageComponent, the renderOrder has to be one integer higher. In this example the imageComponent would have the renderOrder 1 and the textComponent would have the renderOrder 2.

This also applies to textExercise and multi-media-modules.